Alex Gilady |
央視國際 2006年08月15日 21:15 來源:
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Gilady 先生成為國際奧委會(IOC)委員已有十年之久。他在加入國際奧委會後,從1998年起一直任職于廣播電視委員會,2004年任職于雅典奧運會協調委員會,目前為北京2008年奧運會協調委員會的成員。
Gilady 先生從1998年以來就擔任NBC體育頻道副總裁。此前,他是一名記者和電視體育評論員,並且在以色列成立了一家商業電視特許經營公司-Keshet Broadcasting。
在NBC體育頻道工作期間,Gilady 先生所在的團隊屢獲獎項,該團隊負責製作的1992年巴塞羅納奧運會、1996年亞特蘭大奧運會、2000年悉尼奧運會以及2002年鹽湖城冬季奧運會節目,均獲得艾美金像獎。
Gilady先生曾在以色列Michmoret的Mevo'ot Yam和海軍大學深造,一直是一名熱心的籃球和足球愛好者。
Alex Gilady
Vice President, NBC Sports
Member of the International Olympic Committee
Mr Gilady has been a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for over 10 years. Since joining the IOC he has served on the Radio and Television Commission from 1998, was on the Commission for the Coordination for the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, Athens 2004, and is currently a serving member of the Commission for the Coordination for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, Beijing 2008.
Mr Gilady is Vice President, NBC Sports, a position he has held since 1981. Prior to joining NBC he worked as a journalist and television sports commentator as well as founding a commercial television franchise, Keshet Broadcasting, in Israel.
While at NBC Sports Mr Gilady has been a member of the award-winning teams that earned Emmys for producing the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and the 2002 winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
As a sports administrator Mr Gilady is currently Chairman of the International Association of Athletics Federations Television Commission a position he has held since 1984, and last year was elected Chairman of the F岢d岢ration International de Basketball (FIBA) Television Council.
Mr Gilady was educated at the Naval College, Mevo'ot Yam, Michmoret (Israel) and has been an enthusiastic basketball and football player.