CCTV interview: From Iraq to Afghanistan

2009-12-02 18:57 BJT

Special Report: Obama's New Afghan Strategy |


In his speech at West Point, President Obama said the security of the United States is at stake in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The statement is reminiscent of President Bush's words in 2007 when he ordered his 20,000 troop surge in Iraq. He said, "for the safety of people, America must succeed in Iraq."

Q1 Is Obama just dusting off his predecessor's approach and applying it to a new country?

Q2 What was the main factor leading Obama to make the shift from Iraq to Afghanistan at a time when Iraqi security is still uncertain?

Q3 As we know, Afghanistan is in the grip of violence, and insurgents are making in-roads. Will the troop surge help to reverse the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan?

Editor: Liu Fang | Source: