New EU president described as low-key

2009-11-20 09:05 BJT


Analysts trying to explain the surprise choice of Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy as the EU's first full-time president are speculating that Union leaders were not eager to have a high-profile personality represent the EU to the world.

His collaborators describe him as hard-working and discreet, and a skillful negotiator. Critics describe him as low-profile, cautious and modest.

Herman Van Rompuy was born in 1947 in Brussels.

He served as Belgium's Deputy Prime Minister and Budget Minister from 1993 to 1999.

He was elected as president of the Chamber of Representatives in 2007, and became prime minister in 2008.

Van Rompuy is regarded as an intelligent and efficient operator in his home country.

After taking office last year, he showed great skill in resolving conflicts, bringing political stability to the linguistically divided country.

He also proved to be a steady hand in running a difficult coalition during the financial crisis. He has won high praise for his work in helping drive down the country's public debt.

The low-profile leader is considered a good negotiator, capable of building a consensus and keeping competing voices balanced.

The French daily Le Figaro described Van Rompuy as the one candidate who is acceptable to all 27 EU member nations.

Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: