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Studio interview: China rural development commitment (I)

2010-02-01 13:30 BJT

Special Report: No.1 Document Targets Rural-Urban Development |

For more analysis on this year's Number 1 Document, we're very glad to have Dr. Tang Min joining us in our studio. Dr. Tang is Deputy Secretary-General of China Development Research Foundation.

This is the seventh year in a row that the government has dedicated its No.1 document to rural development issues. And you've been closely following the direction of the government's rural development. Now when we look back at the past seven years, what has impressed you most about these documents?

More analysis:

Studio interview: Increased incomes and improved lives (II)>>

Studio interview: Huge rural market potential (III)>>

Studio interview: Agricultural modernization (IV)>>

Opinion: Challenges for agricultural sector in 2010>>

Opinion: Chinese style urbanization>>

Opinion: Challenges in boosting farmers' income>>


Editor: Zhang Ning | Source: