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A/H1N1 epidemic situation gets grimmer in Taiwan, HK

2009-08-28 08:49 BJT

Special Report: World tackles A/H1N1 flu |

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Taiwan is facing another threat from the A/H1N1 flu as it recovers from a devastating Typhoon. Disease control authorities reported the latest epidemic situation and are preparing for the vaccination on the island. While in Hong Kong, researchers think they found a way to treat patients with severe infections.

Nearly 40 thousand people in Taiwan have been infected with A/H1N1. Experts say the situation has still not reached its peak. Estimates say at least 5 million people will be infected this year. And 5 to 10 thousand could die from the disease.

But a vaccine for the flu is being developed. People on the island are expected to be inoculated by mid of November. Authorities said medicare staff, pregnant women, children, and people living in shelters will get priority to immunization.

Preventive measures at schools are being tightened as authorities worry the new fall term may trigger wide spread infections. Researchers from the University of Hong Kong proposed harvesting plasma from recovered patients to treat patients in serious condition.

"Patients in serious condition could get worse if treated with the anti-virus drugs. The drugs can only stop the reproduction of the virus but won't kill them. We hope the antibody in the plasma can kill the virus."

Researchers hope they collect enough plasma as quickly as possible before the virus can become more active.

Editor: Liu Anqi | Source: