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Halloween brings out Shanghai's spooky side

Reporter: Zhang Yue 丨 CCTV.com

11-02-2016 01:49 BJT

Young trendsetters gleefully dressed up in colorful Halloween costumes for parties around Shanghai over the weekend. CCTV reporter attended one such Halloween event, and had a scary good time.

Halloween brings out Shanghai

Halloween brings out Shanghai's spooky side

During the opening ceremony of Halloween immersive night, nearly 30 actors wear masks and create a live story. Participants are free to enter a different world with the actors performing right in front of them. Belgium artist Christian Develter brought his masks to the party, allowing participants to temporarily forget their own identity and lighten up for a fun evening.

"Actually my mask is based on the facial tattoos from Myanmar and also from China, so I translated these into the mask because I'm looking for a perfect design that can be suitable for this campaign," said Christian Develter.

People drank and danced the night away.

"I love it. I love it because it's different. It's not like normal pumpkin or spiders. It's really edgy. It's really fun. It's really different. So I think it's a very, very exciting experience something like this."

"The party is super cool. I've never seen such an event with all those dressed up people. It's super organized and it's exciting. It is!"

"I think it's really cool, and the vibe here is pretty awesome. You know you don't get a lot of sense of Halloween here in Shanghai. But here you do."

Halloween is a popular celebration in some western countries, while in China it has become trendy with the young generation. In a larger sense, it's about feeling free and imagining you're someone else for a few hours.

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