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DPRK tells U.N., nuclear weapons a 'righteous self-defense measure'


09-24-2016 10:19 BJT

The DPRK has put forth its own view on the situation. The DPRK's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho addressed the UN General Assembly, saying his country is determined to strengthen its nuclear weapons capability in spite of the UN condemnation. Ri described the nuclear program as a "righteous self-defense measure".

"It was inevitable; the DPRK had no other choice but to go nuclear after doing everything possible to maintain national security against the constant nuclear threats from the United States, which have continued since the 1950s. Our decision to strengthen nuclear armaments is a righteous self-defensive measure to protect ourselves from these constant nuclear threats of the United States," said DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong-Ho.

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