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Moutai Distillery contributes to local prosperity

Reporter: Meng Qingsheng 丨 CCTV.com

09-15-2016 12:57 BJT

Full coverage: 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March

On March 16th, 1935, the Red Army started to cross the Chishui River after spending days in the town of Maotai, part of the city of Renhuai in Guizhou province.

During the stay, the army used local liquor to cure diseases and wounds, and issued a decree to protect local distilleries. Now the liquor industry has developed into a pillar of the local economy.

It’s this river that has helped Maotai Town earn its fame. The water is used to produce a world-class liquor. It also holds a place in the history of the Long March.

"The Red Army crossed here at Chishui River after spending three days in Maotai. The move helped the army avoid direct confrontations with Kuomintang forces. And that part of history has been etched into the minds of the locals," said Meng Qingsheng, CCTV reporter.

The local people offered the sorghum-distilled Moutai liquor to treat the trekking army.

There are many stories involving the Red Army's three days of camping.

Hu Jingshi is responsible for passing them on to younger generations.

"Back then, the Red Army ran short of medical supplies. They used Moutai liquor to cure wounds and injuries," said Hu Jingshi, chronicler, Kweichow Moutai Group.

"And soldiers, after marching for months, took the liquor to help recover from fatigue. They paid for the consumed liquor by putting money beside liquor jars. Some shop owners came back to find less liquor in the jar, but money there next to it."

The government consolidated local distilleries into a state-owned company in the 1950s.

Moutai was named as China’s national liquor, and production has multiplied over the decades.

The amount of Moutai liquor being produced now is about 2,000 times more than in the early stages of production. The industry has really grown to be a pivotal part of the local economy.

The total assets of Moutai Group now have added up to 100-billion-yuan.

It brought in operating revenue of over 40-billion-yuan last year.

"Liquor production forms the pillar of Renhuai’s economy," said Song Zuyu, vice mayor, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province.

"The industry contributes to 90 percent of the city’s tax revenue, and more than 85 percent of that comes from Moutai Group. The company also accounts for 63 percent of the public budget. It has greatly boosted local fiscal revenue."

The site where the Red Army in Long March stayed has now become a tourist attraction.

The local government says this legacy will further promote prosperity, and make Maotai Town enjoy much wider fame.

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