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China, Russia reach consensus on Korean peninsula


04-29-2016 17:28 BJT

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi has held a press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Beijing. Wang Yi said both countries have agreed to enhance cooperation, especially in northeast China and Russia's far east region, and will enhance communication between media personnel.

The two foreign ministers have also reached a consensus on the situation on the Korean peninsula. Both China and Russia will pursue the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and support the resumption of Six-Party Talks.

"The situation on the Korean peninsula is at high risk. We think all parties concerned should fully implement the UN Resolution 2270. Any unilateral sanctions beyond the resolution, without authorization from the UN Security Council and short of international consensus, should be cautiously considered."

"All parties involved should exercise restraint to prevent the situation from spinning out of control. China and Russia have a shared opinion on the possible deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), a U.S. Army anti-ballistic missile system, in South Korea. Both countries think that it is far beyond the defense needs in the region, and the deployment of THAAD will sabotage regional strategic balance, and lead to an arms race," Wang Yi said.

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