Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 71th session of the United Nations General Assembly and pay official visits to Canada and Cuba. Li's trip, from Sept. 18 to 28, was at the invitation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and President of the Cuban Council of State and Council of Ministers Raul Castro Ruz, respectively

Li visits Cuba
Li Visits Canada
Li Attends UN Conferences

Chinese Premier Li wraps up 3-day trip to NY

At the United Nations General Assembly, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has wrapped up his three-day trip with speeches delivered on a wide range of issues.

31 countries sign Paris climate change agreement during UN General Assembly

Climate change has also been on the agenda at the UN General Assembly. During the meeting, a further 31 countries signed the Paris Agreement to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Chinese Premier pledges financial aid for refugees

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday called on all countries to make a more concerted effort to address the biggest refugee crisis since World War II.

Premier Li held talks with New Zealand PM

Chinese Premier Li has also met with his New Zealand counterpart John Key in New York. Li has spoken highly of the economic and trade ties between the two countries.

UN praises China's contribution

The international community has spoken highly of China's role in trying to solve the refugee crisis. China had helped in mediating the Syrian ceasefire. China also provides financial and human resources for UN peacekeeping missions. Over 2,600 Chinese soldiers take part in UN peacekeeping missions.

Leaders adopt global declaration on refugees

World leaders attending the UN summit for Refugees and Migrants have pledged to build a comprehensive response framework for the ongoing crisis.

Premier Li: China's economy 'stabilizing' with good momentum

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has stressed that China's economy is stabilizing with good momentum, and has "huge room" for development. The remarks by the Premier came at a meeting with US President Barack Obama in New York.

Finding a solution to the Mediterranean refugee crisis

Finding a solution to the Mediterranean refugee crisis

Chinese Premier & US President hold meeting on sidelines

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday met with U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the ongoing 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) .

Chinese premier delivers keynote speech at UN General Assembly

Premier Li Keqiang addressed the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York.

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Studio interview: Li Keqiang seeks closer ties with Havana

For more on Premier Li's visit to Cuba, we are joined by Li Yong from the China Association of International Trade. Q1. Trade between China and Cuba grew by nearly sixty percent last year. What are the reasons behind the dramatic increase?

Studio interview: China, Canada agree to strengthen ties

For more information on this story, we have in the studio now Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of the Department of International and Strategic Studies at the China Institute of International Studies.

Crossover: Premier Li makes his first visit to Canada

For more on Premier Li's visit to Canada, let's cross live to CCTV correspondent Roee Ruttenberg in Ottawa.

Studio interview: Canada wants to increase energy exports

For more discussion on that, we're joined in the studio by our current affairs commentator Victor Gao. Q1. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took office almost a year ago. What has his policy on China been. Is he different from his predecessors?

Crossover: Trade, judicial co-op on agenda of Premier Li's Canada visit

For more on Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Canada, we cross live to Roee Ruttenberg in Montreal.

Crossover: Chinese Premier stresses importance of development

For more, we are joined live by our correspondent Nathan King from New York.

Live crossover: Premier Li wraps up visit to New York

Live crossover: Chinese Premier Li wraps up his visit to New York

Studio interview: key takeaways from Premier Li's speech at UN General Assembly

Studio interview: key takeaways from Premier Li's speech at UN General Assembly

Premier Li Attends UN Conferences, Visits Canada and Cuba