Denmark's Little Mermaid embarks on a journey to Shanghai World Expo

2010-03-26 18:22 BJT

Special Report: Shanghai World Expo 2010 |


Denmark's famed Little Mermaid statue has left her perch in Copenhagen harbor and is embarking on a journey to the World Expo in Shanghai. This is her first trip abroad in her 96 year history.

For nearly a century, the heartbroken Little Mermaid has sat on a rock, looking out over Copenhagen port. Now, she has a chance to head back to the sea.

From May to November, the daughter of the ocean will attend the World Expo in Shanghai as a centerpiece of the Danish pavilion.

Removing her from her perch is a task involving both brains and brawn.

Flemming Brian Nielsen, Stone Mason, said, "It's a big responsibility and I am very proud to do it. But I am not nervous. I will take care of her, like she was my own daughter."

The departure was also joined by dancers performing and children singing in both Danish and Chinese.

Details regarding her journey to China are confidential.

Brian Mikkelsen, Danish Minister of Economy, said, "It's a state secret, when the little mermaid is leaving and how she is leaving because she is very well protected---almost like Fort Knox in America where they are protecting all the gold. "