Anti-war campaigners protest as Blair faces Iraq inquiry

2010-01-30 10:11 BJT

About 150 protesters demonstrated on Friday outside the Queen Elizabeth Two Centre in London, where former British Prime Minister Tony Blair faced the Iraq war inquiry.

They chanted anti-war slogans and held a Naming of the Dead ceremony. Protestors say Tony Blair needs to be held accountable for the 2003 invasion, and are demanding an explanation of the military operation. The protest was also joined by a number of celebrities who read out names of the dead in Iraq.

People queue up to enter the Iraq Inquiry in London, Friday, Jan. 29, 2010. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair faced tough questioning Friday on his controversial decision to back the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq - a pledge that led to widespread protests in Britain and weakened his standing as leader. Blair's testimony is expected to provide the highlight of the Iraq Inquiry, a wide-ranging investigation commissioned by the government to scrutinize the behind-the-scenes machinations that brought Britain into a costly and unpopular war.(AP Photo/Alastair Grant) 
People queue up to enter the Iraq Inquiry in London, Friday, 
Jan. 29, 2010. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair faced tough 
questioning Friday on his controversial decision to back the 
2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq - a pledge that led to widespread 
protests in Britain and weakened his standing as leader. Blair's 
testimony is expected to provide the highlight of the Iraq Inquiry, 
a wide-ranging investigation commissioned by the government to 
scrutinize the behind-the-scenes machinations that brought 
Britain into a costly and unpopular war.(AP Photo/Alastair Grant)