Wen: China understands particular climate needs of underdeveloped countries

2009-12-18 08:10 BJT

Special Report: UN climate change conference in Copenhagen |

Premier Wen Jiabao has met with several heads of state at the climate summit in Copenhagen.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (R) shakes hands with UN Secrerary-General Ban Ki-moon during their meeting in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, on Dec. 17, 2009. (Xinhua/Liu Jianshen) 
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (R) shakes hands with UN Secrerary-General Ban 
Ki-moon during their meeting in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, on Dec. 17,
2009.(Xinhua/Liu Jianshen)

He says all parties should focus on consensus in a future-oriented manner and seek common ground while shelving differences.

Premier Wen said China understands the particular climate needs of underdeveloped countries, small island states and African countries. He has also urged developed countries to help these nations in terms of technology, and financial support.