Copenhagen ready for climate summit

2009-12-05 09:34 BJT

Special Report: UN climate change conference in Copenhagen |


The city of Copenhagen will be displaying its green achievements and ambitions for the world, when the UN Climate Change conference opens on December 7th. Yang Weihan takes a look at the city's preparations ahead of the summit.

Winters in Copenhagen are cold and the days are short, forcing energy efficiency and climate change to be hot topics. Nowhere is it more clear than on the city's streets.

Even the famous character, the Little Mermaid seems to have climate change on her mind.

Rush hour in Copenhagen can be dangerous.

It's not just the cars, a visiting pedestrian has to watch out for; it's the cyclists.

More than a third of people in Copenhagen commutes to work by bike.

Cyclists have their own lanes on both sides of most thoroughfares.

Traffic lights are programmed to give cyclists priority and, even during the harsh winter, an estimated 80 percent of summer riders continue commuting to work by bike.