Russia, Iran to discuss nuclear plant

2009-11-30 09:04 BJT

Russia's energy minister has arrived in Tehran for a two-day trip. Sergei Shmatko's visit is scheduled to include discussions on the long-delayed inauguration of a Russian-built nuclear power plant in the southern port city of Bushehr.

Minister Shmatko, was greeted by Iran's Foreign Minister, Manoucher Mottaki upon his arrival. Officials, from both countries had previously announced plans to start the reactor in 2009. The move would give Iran its first operating nuclear plant, decades after construction began.

But earlier this month, Moscow dashed Iranian hopes that the Bush-ehr reactor will be switched on this year. Shmatko, has blamed the delay on technical issues. But Russia has, in the past, appeared to use the project to press Tehran to cooperate, with international demands to freeze uranium enrichment.

An Iranian security guard watches over the nuclear reactor in Bushehr. Russia said it expects Iran to agree to enrich uranium abroad under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (AFP/File/Behrouz Mehri)
An Iranian security guard watches over the nuclear reactor in 
Russia's energy minister has arrived in Tehran for a
two-day trip.  (AFP/File/Behrouz Mehri)


Editor: Liu Anqi | Source: