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Nuclear Security Summit Communique

2010-04-14 14:11 BJT

Special Report: Hu Attends 2 Summits, Visits 3 Nations |


Now let's have a general idea of the Communique of this year's summit.

The Communique of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit---

Reaffirms the fundamental responsibility of States to maintain effective security of all nuclear materials, and emphasizes the importance of robust national legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security.

Recognizes that highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium require special precautions and agree to promote measures to secure, account for, and consolidate these materials.

Chinese President Hu Jintao(4th R,front)poses for a group photo with other world leaders during the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center in Washington,April 13,2010 0.(Xinhua/Li Xueren)
Chinese President Hu Jintao(4th R,front)poses for a group photo with other world 
leaders during the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center in 
Washington,April 13,2010 0.(Xinhua/Li Xueren)