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Japan passing on tradition of eating whale?

2010-02-22 14:12 BJT


Every year Japan claims it kills hundreds of whales in Antarctic waters for scientific research. Some experts say Japan's real purpose is to pass on its tradition of eating whale.

Background on whaling disputes
Background on whaling disputes
In the early 12th century, Japan began to hunt whale for food. Whale became one of the most important dishes of grand banquets in ancient Japan. But the situation has changed today.

Figures show that only 4 percent of the Japanese people regularly eat whale. 53 percent of Japanese have never tasted it.

Experts think the government supports the country's whaling industry and encourages its citizens to eat whale in order to keep the tradition alive.

Another opinion holds that the government hopes to enhance its international influence through legalizing commercial whaling in the International Whaling Commission.

No agreement reached on Japanese whaling

Japan and Australia have failed to reach an agreement over whaling in the Southern ocean, with Canberra vowing to take legal action against Japan's annual whale hunt. Full Story >>

Every year Japan claims it kills hundreds of whales in Antarctic waters for scientific research. Some experts say Japan's real purpose is to pass on its tradition of eating whale.

Every year Japan claims it kills hundreds of whales in Antarctic waters
for scientific research. Some experts say Japan's real purpose is to
pass on its tradition of eating whale.


Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: