The US unemployment rose above 10 percent in October for the first time in 27 years.
In California, where unemployment is higher than the national average, thousands desperately seek work each day. And for some, losing a job also means losing their home.
Waiting in line, resumes in hand it has become a common sight across America.
In Anaheim, California, hundreds crowd a local job fair, hoping this will be where they meet a future employer. The odds aren't good.
Barbara Lynn Tuthili, Job Hunter, said, "I got laid off last January and I've been looking on the Internet everyday. I have eight employment agencies also looking for me and I'm getting no where."
For some, like Louie Zepeda, life quickly spiraled downward after they became unemployed. He ended up on Los Angeles' skid row.
Louie Zepeda, Job Hunter, said, "I had a job with a local communications company and I lost the job, and unfortunately, things went downhill. I could not find something else, so money ran out and I ended up here, I was evicted and I ended up here."
And while there are some jobs available, businesses are not willing to hire someone who is homeless.
The US Labor Department is scheduled to release the jobless figures for November. But most experts believe the number will not be an improvement on October's 10.2 percent -- the highest in 27 years.
US President Barack Obama is urging corporate America to help tackle the nation's unemployment. He has also hinted at federal tax credits and aid to states to ease jobless woes.