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Expert warns of combination of A/H1N1 and H5N1 flus

2009-11-28 12:27 BJT

Special Report: World tackles A/H1N1 flu |

An academic from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhong Nanshan, says besides taking preventive measures against A/H1-N1 flu, we must also watch out for the possible fusing of the flu and the avian virus.

Zhong says cases of patients without underlying diseases dying of the A/H1-N1 flu have been reported in China. We must pay special attention to this.

Zhong Nanshan said, "If people have continued high fever, and their physical condition rapidly deteriorates in one or two days, they must go to a hospital immediately. Severe A/H1-N1 flu infection mainly damages three vital areas: lungs, heart, and the nervous system. We are now preparing to make a thorough summarization of the death cases caused by severe A/H1-N1 flu infection, to see its effects on main organs, and how to take preventive measures in early stages. "

Zhong said the public must be especially concerned with the possibility the H5-N1 flu and A/H1-N1 flu viruses could fuse together.

Zhong Nanshan said, "Now there is another issue that needs our attention. The basis of bird flu in China is different from that of America. If a combined variation of H5-N1 flu and A/H1-N1 flu occurs, it will be a horrible catastrophe. We must take preventive measures. "

Zhong also says more efforts should be made to guard against the A/H1-N1 flu virus developing resistance to current drugs.

Editor: Zhang Ning | Source: