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Iran wants Geneva talks to change approach

2009-10-01 14:51 BJT

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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Genenva talks will be a "test" of their respect for Iran's rights.

Ahmadinejad says Tehran is looking for a changed approach from the West during the negotiations.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "Thursday's talks could be a test to verify whether some governments are determined to follow up the slogan of change."

The Geneva meeting comes days after Iran revealed it's building a second nuclear plant. Iran now is under international pressure to fully disclose its nuclear activities.

Ahmadinejad singled out the US, Britain and France in particular for their harsh criticism of Iran.

However, he described the meeting as a good opportunity for a fresh start.

Iran says it is willing to have a general discussion about nuclear technology, but insists it will not give up the right to enrich uranium.

Meanwhile, the US says it is planning to push for new sanctions targeting Iran's energy, financial and telecommunications sectors if it does not comply with international demands.

Editor: Liu Anqi | Source: