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China on the move: Sichuan building a new countryside

2009-09-21 13:20 BJT

Special Report: 60th Anniversary of PRC |

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Today we look at the rebuilding in the quake zone.People in Sichuan suffered a massive earthquake in 2008. Reconstruction began without delay to help survivors return to a normal life. Now, many have moved into their new homes. CCTV reporter Zhang Lu went to Qipan village in Sichuan to see how people's lives have changed.

This is the new Qipan village, rebuilt after the massive earthquake.

It's really hard for people to relate the beautiful village to the painful disaster.

Lu Qianxiu moved to a new house in January.

She said her family has never felt better.

Lu Qianxiu,resident of Qipan Village, Sichuan Province, said, "Life is so different now. We used to live in the mountains. The hygiene conditions were bad. But now, the environment here is so clean."

Changes can be seen not only in the environment, but more importantly, in the living conditions.

Lu Qianxiu said, "We didn't have these facilities before. My kitchen is much cleaner now. We have gas, tap water and electricity. When we lived on the mountain before, we used firewood. It's so convenient, life here is good. I can say that people in our village are now enjoying the good life 20 years earlier."

The massive earthquake last year destroyed the whole village.

Reconstruction started soon after the quake.

But the giant project was not simply to rebuild houses, but to build a new way of living.

Qipan village has combined the reconstruction with the goal of building "a new countryside."

Liu Tianping, head of Qipan village, Sichuan Province, said, "To be frank, if it wasn't for the earthquake, the process of building a new countryside would have been much slower. The disaster brought us much policy and monetary support. The central government helps us work out a brand new planning and the reconstruction is very fast. Qipan's pace of development is at least 10 years further forward."

"Building a new countryside" is the main strategy for China's rural development.

Increasing income is only part of the goal, improving the living conditions and raising the living standards are equally important.

For disaster-stricken areas like Qipan, reconstruction is an opportunity for a brand new start.

The new life has brought Qipan people confidence and happiness.

Liu Fuxian, resident of Qipan Village, Sichuan, said, "Well, the earthquake was bad, we suffered. But look now, in some ways, it has become a good thing."

Liu can not help laughing when she is talking about her new life.

Liu Fuxian said, "The country and the society have given us so much support. Life now is very good."

Wang Dehua,resident of Qipan village, Sichuan, said, "Before, we dreamed of living an urban life. Now we do. Our dreams come true. We really feel happy inside."

Satisfaction is beyond words.

A better life is the key to help these survivors forget their painful experience.

There is calligraphy in Lu Qianxiu's living room. The two characters "Huan Yan" literally mean "Smiling Face."

Lu said these are just the right words to describe how she feels now: smiling because of joy and true happiness.

Editor: Zhang Ning | Source: