
2009-11-26 15:59 BJT

Although the Corps did not take part in combat, around 2,000 Chinese Labour Corps died during World War I, some as a direct result of enemy action, or of wounds received in the course of their duties, and many more from the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu. They were classified as war casualties and were buried in numerous cemeteries in France and Belgium. One of the four following proverbs were inscribed on the standard Commonwealth War Grave Portland stone gravestones: "Faithful unto death", "A good reputation endures forever", "A noble duty bravely done" and "Though dead he still liveth". Cemeteries include:


Noyelles-sur-Mer Chinese Cemetery and Memorial, in the village of Nolette, is the largest one. It contains 838 Chinese workers' graves, while the memorial commemorates 40 more who died on land and sea and whose graves are unknown.

Ruminghem Chinese Cemetery, contains 75 Chinese graves, half of them transferred from a Chinese cemetery at Saint-Pol-sur-Mer after the war.

Saint-Étienne-au-Mont Communal Cemetery. Most of the cemetery's 170 burials are Chinese.

Les Baraques Military Cemetery in Sangatte has more than 200 Chinese graves

Arques-la-Bataille British Cemetery has more than 70 Chinese graves

Foncquevillers Military Cemetery has 2 graves

Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension

Albert French National Cemetery

Ascq Communal Cemetery (fr)

Ayette British Cemetery


New Irish Farm Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, near Ypres

United Kingdom

6 graves in Shorncliffe Military Cemetery, near Folkestone, are the only such graves in British soil.

Editor: Zheng Limin | Source: wikipedia