Exhibition promotes Shanghai World Expo in Canada

2010-03-09 09:11 BJT

Special Report: 2010 Shanghai Expo Countdown |


With fewer than two months until the Shanghai World Expo, an exhibition is being held in Canada to promote the global event.

With fewer than two months until the Shanghai World Expo, an exhibition is being held in Canada to promote the global event. 
With fewer than two months until the Shanghai World Expo, an exhibition is being held
in Canada to promote the global event.

The show opened in Ottawa on Sunday and included a collection of photographs of the host city Shanghai. Also showcased were the Expo's official emblem, mascot and other visual marks of the global gathering.

Spectators can have a preview of both the interiors and exteriors of major exhibition venues at the Expo.

The show will travel to other Canadian cities including Montreal and Toronto in the weeks to come.