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Southwestern China battles drought

2010-03-19 08:29 BJT

Special Report: SW China Battles Severe Drought |

Southwestern China continues to battle a drought, the severity of which has not been seen in one century. More than 20 million people are suffering water shortages.

More than 20 million people are suffering water shortages.
More than 20 million people are suffering water shortages.

Like most parts of the region, this small village in Longan County in Guangxi Zhuang Automomous Region has been plagued by drought for half a year.

The nearest water source is more than three kilometers away. Villagers are forced to carry water back to their homes and doing laundry becomes hard work.

Village resident Puquan said,"We need to go 40 minutes away to wash the clothes."

Many young villagers had to leave jobs in the cities and come back to help.

Spring ploughing is the biggest problem. Fertilizer has been stacked since the Spring Festival.

A village resident said, "We haven't raised any chicken or pigs, we feed ourselves on the field. The drought has make ploughing impossible."

Like the villagers in neighboring provinces, concern for their families prompted tens of thousands of migrant workers from Guizhou to return home.

Wu Guilin used to work in a electric factory. Now, he carries water five kilometers everyday.

Getting drinking water for people and livestock is difficult. Ploughing and planting has become impossible. But Wu hasn't given up hope.

Wu Guilin, Taoyaun village resident said, "These are the seeds I prepared, Once there is rain, I will plant."

Farmers are not the only ones affected by the serious drought in Yunnan.