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He is the longest-surviving person with HIV in China

2009-12-01 08:50 BJT

He is the longest-surviving person with HIV in China. He's had more than his share of adversity, but refused to let that affect him. He now heads an organization that helps other infected people. On World AIDS Day, CCTV reporter Wang Guan talked to Meng Lin and found out why social stigma and discrimination remains a huge hindrance to the prevention and treatment of the disease.

It's ten in the morning, time for drugs.

In this box is Meng Lin's daily dose of anti-retroviral medicine, and more importantly his chance to live for yet another day.

Meng developed HIV symptoms 14 years ago. A lasting lung infection almost ended his life. Making it this far, only HE knows how much he has endured.

Meng said, "What's kept me going over the years? I don't know...maybe to live, just to live, living is better than...well, you live and live with dignity."

Meng developed HIV symptoms 14 years ago. A lasting lung infection almost ended his life. Making it this far, only HE knows how much he has endured.
Meng developed HIV symptoms 14 years ago. A lasting lung infection almost 
ended his life. Making it this far, only HE knows how much he has endured.