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Cold snap brings more snow to Beijing

2009-11-10 10:07 BJT


Beijing has had its second snowfall for this winter. Temperatures plummeted to minus-2.5 degrees Celsius on Tuesday that's 9 degrees Celsius lower than Monday. The temperature is expected to fall further in the coming days, with a drop of one to two degrees Celsius.

Snow has blanketed streets in the capital, and caused some problems to the city's traffic. According to Beijing Municipal Meteorological Observatory, rain and snow will continue in Beijing for the next few days.

Weather report: Snowfall scale and winter weather disaster

A cold snap rolled into Beijing last night and brought about 7 millimeters of snow by early this morning. For more on that, we are now joined by Halla Mohieddeen from China's Meteorological Administration.


Will this snowfall cover large areas of northern parts of China? And how long will it last?


Snow has arrived in northern China earlier this year compared to previous years. Can we expect a dangerous amount of snow to fall this winter?

Snowfall hampers Beijing traffic

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Beijing has had its second snowfall for this winter. Snow blanketed roads in the capital, causing headaches for the city's motorists.

"Moist pavement, keep distance."

Electric screens urged motorists to drive with caution on the icy, snow swept roads. Many cars were forced to pull over to the side in roads blanketed in snow. Full Story>>

Slideshows: Heavy snow blankets Beijing

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