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Clinton, Trump supporters debate in swing state Ohio

The US state of Ohio has gained the reputation of an important swing state. In the past ten US presidential elections, nominees who won the state of Ohio went on to become US president. CCTV correspondent Wang Guan found both Clinton and Trump supporters, and had a debate over lunch.

Exclusive interview with Susan Thornton: Investment and trade, a top priority for S&ED

Before this round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue, a senior official from the US Department of State told CCTV that the US will push forward the negotiations on bilateral investment and trade.

Exclusive: IAEA chief: Nuclear summit has great importance

Ahead of the summit, CCTV reporter Wang Guan has interviewed with Yukiya Amano, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Yukiya said he expects a great outcome of the summit and vowed to fight against nuclear terrorism.

Exclusive interview with Ben Rhodes: Engagement best way to advance relationship

CCTV reporter in Washington, Wang Guan, interviewed President Obama's deputy national security advisor for strategic communication to gain a closer look at White House expectations for Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit.

Studio interview: Exploring the world of Alibaba

Studio interview: Exploring the world of Alibaba

Interview with US Secretary of State, Treasury Secretary

Ahead of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, CCTV reporter Wang Guan sat down with the US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. They shared with CCTV their views on China-US relations.

US reviewing intelligence programs: State Dept.

At a press conference of the U.S. State Department, CCTV reporter Wang Guan has raised questions concerning reports that the U.S. spied on China through the Australian Embassy in Beijing.

Crossover: EU urges US to stop spying activities

For more, let's talk to our correspondent Wang Guan in Washington.

Interview: Venezuelan president optimistic on China-Venezuela ties

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has just wrapped up a 3-day state visit to China. It was his first visit to since taking office earlier this year. Right before President Maduro left on Tuesday, reporter Jia Jiaben with CCTV Spanish Channel, sat down with him for an exclusive interview.

Crossover: Xi & Obama tackle cyber security issue

For more on this, we are joined on the line by our correspondent Wang Guan, who’s in Rancho Mirage in California.

Live cross: Redefining the Sino-US relationship

The meeting is significant for both leaders looking to redefine the relationship between their two countries.

Crossover: US concern over cyber security

Earlier, we talked to our correspondent Wang Guan, who’s in the town where the talks are taking place... Rancho Mirage in California. He told us that cyber security and trade protectionism are high on the agenda for the talks.

Crossover: Xi and Obama to meet for over 7 hours

President Xi Jinping will meet his US counterpart, Barack Obama, in just a few hours time. Let’s cross live now to our correspondent Wang Guan, who’s in the town where the talks are taking place Rancho Mirage in California.