
Hu Jintao promotes win-win cooperation 11-18-2005 09:17

In the port city of Busan in South Korea, President Hu Jintao has delivered a speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit. President Hu highlighted China's stance on win-win cooperation. And he also urged APEC member economies to strengthen mutual understanding through communication and cooperation.

President Hu Jintao delivered a speech entitled "An Open Mind for Win-Win Cooperation" at the summit.

The Chinese president pledged to strengthen energy dialogue and cooperation with all countries, to jointly help maintain world energy security and stability.

President Hu also pointed out that the global trade imbalance should be viewed from a dialectical perspective, and in the context of world economic development. Hu Jintao also noted that China would make further contributions toward a sustained expansion of global trade; yhis, by changing the mode of foreign trade growth, increasing imports, and enhancing the protection of intellectual property rights.

The Chinese president said a solid foundation for win-win cooperation was "deepening mutual trust and expanding trade and economic exchanges". President Hu then delivered a four-point proposal to realize win-win cooperation.

Hu said, "First, building a harmonious world with an open mind is a basic prerequisite for win-win cooperation. Second, we should vigorously promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation on the basis of mutual trust. Third, as another important avenue to win-win cooperation, we should use dialogue and consultation to seek a proper settlement of disputes. And (fourth) strengthening solidarity and coordination, and maintaining security and stability -- is an effective guarantee for win-win cooperation."

President Hu arrived in Busan, the second largest city in South Korea, on Thursday. He will be attending the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for Friday and Saturday.

Editor:Chen Zhuo

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