Full coverage: 2017 NPC & CPPCC Sessions
In today’s episode, the CCTV. com Panview team features an interview with the South Africa's Ambassador to China, Ms. Dolana Msimang. She talks about how China and South Africa bilateral relations have risen to comprehensive strategic partnership status.
South African Ambassador to China Ms. Dolana Msimang in interview with CCTV.com
South Africa recognized diplomatic ties with Beijing in 1998. Compared with many other nations, it is not quite a long history, but Johannesburg has played catch up on a rapid scale. The two countries now enjoy strong diplomatic and trade ties.
The South African ambassador believes even brighter days are ahead, since her nation lays claim to the largest trade and investment partnership in Africa for China. South Africa has captured greater prosperity by working hand-in-hand with China.
Msimang also highlighted how South Africa has paid close attention to China's economic development path and the two sides can work together and engage in more profitable ventures.
You can watch this episode and stay tuned for future episodes of CCTV.com's 'Meet the Diplomats' video series …
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