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Syria mortar hits northern Israel: military

Editor: zhangrui 丨Xinhua

02-15-2017 06:54 BJT

JERUSALEM, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- A stray mortar struck the Israeli-held Golan Heights on Tuesday night, causing no injuries, Israel's military said in a statement.

"Israel Defense Forces identified errant fire that hit an open in the northern Golan Heights," a military spokesperson said, adding that no injuries or damages were reported.

Errant fire from the nearly five-year fighting in Syria has occasionally been spilling over to Israel, usually causing no casualties or damage. Israel usually retaliates the mortars with airstrikes.

Israel had repeatedly declared it would not intervene in the internal fighting in Syria but is widely believed to carry out airstrikes at weapons shipments and have been providing medical treatment to hundreds of wounded Syrians who reached the border.


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