Premier Li Keqiang ordered authorities to crack down on back pay for migrant workers when he visited Ludian county, southwest China’s Yunnan province, on Jan 23. He said as soon as any back pay case is detected, it must be solved, from the very root.
Premier Li Keqiang ordered authorities to crack down on back pay for migrant workers when he visited Ludian county, southwest China’s Yunnan province, on Jan 23.
It’s the second time Premier Li has visited the county since it was hit by a disastrous earthquake on Aug 3, 2014. Learning that a man, the only earning member of a family of six, from Ganjiazhai village had not been paid his wages even after working for a year, the Premier got very angry.
“Back pay not only violates market rule but also offends conscience. It is government’s responsibility to fight against it,” said the Premier.