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2017 to be crucial for EU: Bulgarian president

Editor: zhangrui 丨Xinhua

01-18-2017 07:41 BJT

SOFIA, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- The outgoing Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said here on Tuesday that 2017 would be crucial for the European Union (EU), and the EU should build its capacity to be a global player.

"After the shock of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump for President of the United States, 2017 is crucial for the EU," Plevneliev said while addressing an annual conference.

Germany, France and probably Italy would hold elections decisive for the future, Plevneliev said.

In 2017, the EU should prepare itself for new shocks, he said.

"Trump is a symbol of the global rise of nationalism, he does not believe in the European integration. Unfortunately, I believe that he does not understand it," Plevneliev said.

The United States was a guarantor of the security of the EU, Plevneliev said. In this way, the EU has prospered and become an economic giant, he added.

"The withdrawal of the unconditional U.S. commitment and guarantees, combined with the rise of European populists and nationalists, will further destabilize the EU," the Bulgarian president said.

"The weakness of the EU is an invitation for more provocations, for more crises," Plevneliev said.

There comes a time for change in the EU, he said.

The EU must show character, unite as a family, build its capacity to be a global economic, geopolitical player, which could ensure the security in Europe and worldwide, Plevneliev said.

"So far, the EU has been a soft power. This will certainly change," Plevneliev said. A new wave of EU integration would inevitably come, he added.

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