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Sub-anchor: Report: 36.7 mln live with HIV globally


12-01-2016 12:33 BJT

For more on the issue, my colleague Wang Tongxuan joins us in the studio for some facts and figures on the disease.

Progress has been made in combating AIDS. But the fight is far from over. The 2016 World AIDS Day report says 36.7 million people globally live with HIV, including 2.1 million who have contracted the disease recently.

New infections among children have declined by half since 2010, but no decrease is shown among adults.

Eastern and southern Africa are by far the most affected parts of the world. In the Asia-Pacific region, around 5.1 million people had the disease in 2015, and there are 13 new infections every hour among those aged 15 to 24 in this region.

In China, latest figures show around 650,000 people were infected with HIV, as of September 2016.

On the bright side, as of June this year, 18.2 million HIV patients around the world were accessing anti-retroviral therapy, up from 7.5 million in 2010. And in 2015, 1.1 million died from AIDS-related causes, down by 45 percent from the peak of two million deaths in 2005.

Q. Tell us, what is being done to see an end to the disease?

Efforts are being made worldwide to create a world free of the virus. Annual AIDS-related deaths have decreased by 43 percent since 2003.

In Eastern and Southern Africa, the number of people receiving treatment has more than doubled to 54 percent since 2010, reaching nearly 10.3 million people.

AIDS-related deaths in the region have decreased by 36 percent since six years ago. From 2008 to 2015, China has seen a rapid increase in awareness. Last year, more than 143 million people across the country getting tested, accounting for 10 percent of the total population.

HIV testing and counselling services continue to develop in China. In 2013, almost 20,000 facilities were providing these services.

Significant work is also being put into establishing and developing research labs, which are crucial for both prevention and treatment.

The world has committed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, and to create a world free of HIV.

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