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Int'l Academic Forum on Tokyo Trial and World Peace

Reporter: Lin Nan 丨 CCTV.com

11-13-2016 05:31 BJT

Saturday is the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Tokyo Trial. This was the reckoning Japan faced following World War Two. An international academic forum on Tokyo Trial and World Peace has been held in Shanghai to look back at this piece of history. Scholars from all over the world gathered to discuss the impact of the trial.

70 years has passed since the opening of the Tokyo Trial. 25 scholars on international law and history from China, Japan, the US, Britain and New Zealand explained how the international trial has affected the world to this day. 95-year-old Gao Wenbing was the secretary of the Chinese delegation during the trial.

"The Japanese people didn't know what their troops had done. After the Tokyo Trial, many Japanese, especially women, all lowered their heads and felt ashamed when we walked out, because their soldiers had committed many inhumane crimes, including raping Chinese women. The Tokyo Trial was a shock to the Japanese," said Gao Wenbing, witness of Tokyo Trial.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichii delivered a speech by video. He said Japan should face the history of China-Japan relations, and deal with the relations based on deep and profound reflections.

"I was born after World War II, which means, I'm not directly responsible for the war. However, every man has his responsibility to inherit historical memories, and history is something that cannot be easily erased. I often repeat thesis implicit words to young people in Japan. For both sides, young people are the future of the nation. Thus, communication between Chinese and Japanese youth must be enhanced," Murayama Tomiichii said.

The Tokyo Trial was convened in 1946 to try the leaders of the Empire of Japan for three types of war crimes. It deeply influenced the establishment of the postwar world order.

"The Japanese government had made the promise to accept the verdict of the Tokyo Trial in the past, however the current government wants to abandon the promise, which damages the international reputation of Japan. It is very necessary and meaningful to look back at the Tokyo Trial nowadays from this perspective," said Fujita Takakage, director of Murayama Statement Association.

The forum will last two days, and six sub-forums will be held on key issues of this historical event.

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