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China helps Kyrgyzstan infrastructure building

Reporter: Xia Cheng 丨 CCTV.com

11-03-2016 17:14 BJT

Full coverage: Premier Li Visits Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia

China has helped in many infrastructure construction projects in Kyrgyzstan. A number of the projects include building some of the country's most dangerous roads. Engineers and workers from China often have to suffer harsh geological and climate conditions, but are unswerving in their goal of success completion of the project. CCTV went to one of the road construction sites to find out. 

Hao Hengzhe is a survey engineer on a road project China has undertaken in Kyrgyzstan. The road links the capital Bishkek with Kyrgyzstan's second largest city Hoche.  Hao's job is to measure detailed data for his demolition team and calculate the right angles for pavement construction. Walking up and down the mountains to get his work done has proven a great challenge.
"It's quite a big challenge physically. And there are many things I have to study, many troubles I have to learn to solve. " Hao Hengzhe said.

The Chinese manager says, it's the toughest project in his company's 14 year stay in the country.

"This road has indeed its difficulties. About 60 kilo metres of road locates at an area with no telecommunication signal. It's a no-man area sitting on a nine-magnitude earth quake belt. At the early stage, we can send all our equipments by horse, and people. And there's only seven to eight months of working period before winter comes and snow blocks the area out. " said Cai Yu, project manager of China Road and Bridge in Kyrgyzstan.

The road the Chinese team is building will replace the one road which is covered by rubble and usually couldn't be used for four months in Winter.

The new road will have the highest standard in central Asia, and ensure smooth transportation between the South and North of the country all-year-round.

" Building a road here is very helpful for us. It's more convenient for us to connect with other cities, and our cultural awareness will improve too. Residents here are very thankful to the Chinese team on their effort, and we think the road represents the friendship between China and Kyrgyzstan." Kyrgyzstan president said.

Kyrgyzstan's official statistics show that the roads China has helped build and improve have almost doubled the total original amount of the country's transportation system. Road projects have attracted great importance in the country.

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