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Top legislature mulls draft laws on SME, cybersecurity and nuclear safety

Reporter: Wu Guoxiu 丨 CCTV.com

11-01-2016 01:29 BJT

The Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress is meeting for its bi-monthly session. Lawmakers are to review a series of laws and amendments – including laws on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise improvement, nuclear safety, and cyber security. Wu Guoxiu reports.

It’s been 13 years since China adopted its law to support small and medium sized enterprises.

By end of 2015, a majority of China’s 21.8 million registered enterprises were SMEs. But 43 percent say they face financing difficulty.
That’s one of the problems addressed in draft amendments submitted for the first reading on Monday.

"New content added includes: asking the banking supervisory body to differentiate supervision on service to small and mini enterprises, pushing forward orderly and healthy development of medium and small banks, non-deposit lending organs and internet financing," said Wu Ritu, deputy director of NPC Financial & Economic Affairs Committee.

Also to be read for the first time is a draft law on nuclear safety. China is expected to have the second most reactors in the world by 2020, after the US. Though the safety record has been good, a law is needed for stronger measures.

"... the purpose is to safely use nuclear power and protect the safety of nuclear facilities and materials; to take precautions and respond to nuclear incidents; to protect relevant staff and the public, as well as the environment," said Zhang Yunchuan, deputy director of NPC Environment Protection & Resources Conservation Comm..

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