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Startups focus on building China-US tech ties

Reporter: Mark Niu 丨 CCTV.com

10-26-2016 04:51 BJT

Many at the Sync Conference in Silicon Valley feel it's only a matter of time before China surpasses Silicon Valley in innovation. At the conference, startups are focusing on building trans-Pacific businesses.

On display at Sync 2016-technology from Chinese entrepreneurs and insight from Chinese companies who've hired U.S. talent for research in Silicon Valley.

"I come from the Silicon Valley AI Lab, that's actually one of Silicon Valley's Baidu's research labs," said Adam Coates, director, Baidu Silicon Valley Al Lab.

"Our mission is exactly about these kinds of applications: We want to identify things that can be done with A.I. that at least 100 million people will care about."

Sync Conference attendee Michael Garbade started Livecoding.tv-a site that live-streams engineers writing computer code for learning and collaboration. Without any advertising, China has already become his site's second largest user base.

"China especially is the leading education market in the world and China is where all the big education investments have been going for the last three years. The size of people who want to learn to code who want to improve their software development is huge," said MichaelGarbade, co-founder, Livecoding.tv.

Opportunity moves in the other direction too.

Lily Huang advises investors from China looking to invest in Silicon Valley tech.

"We have seen a strong capital outflow from Chinese markets into the U.S. market. You will see some corporates setting up offices in both Silicon Valley and New York, but I would say Silicon Valley tends to be the first choice," he said.

Besides just technology crossing borders, the same is true for financial models of how business is done. For example, this four motor electric skateboard from Acton is one of the many innovations launching on crowdfunding site Indiegogo.

"We are, like I said, trying to enable entrepreneurs to get all the way from an idea to actually manufacturing the physical product. So we've been forming partnerships with China-based manufacturers," said David Mandelbrot, CEO, Indiegogo. 
Indiegogo recently became the first U-S company to enable China-based entrepreneurs to launch crowdfunding campaigns in America.

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