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Cartoon commentary, Xi's Asian tour ④: Injecting Beijing's confidence into BRICS cooperation

Editor: 丁倩 丨CCTV.com

10-17-2016 18:33 BJT

By Zhang Maorong, researcher with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations; cartoon drawing by Chi Ying


That  blossoms in spring, brings forth fruit in autumn. October is China’s harvest season. 2016 marks the 10th anniversary of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries cooperation mechanism.

Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the 8th BRICS summit in GOA, India and delivered a speech, entitled “Cement confidence, promote common development.”

Xi spoke about a far-sighted vision with deep meanings. He explained Beijing’s solutions for  enhancing cooperation among BRICS member states. His speech has attracted wide attention among BRICS countries.

It needs a decade to mold a good sword. Hence during the past decade, BRICS countries have sought common development and progressed forward, expanding cooperation with mutual benefits and win-win strategies.
Looking ahead, the Chinese leader made a five-point proposal to inject Beijing's confidence into BRICS cooperation and offer Beijing’s wisdom to explore "responsive, inclusive, and collective solutions for the global economic growth”.

China will hold the rotating chair of the BRICS summit, and host its ninth summit in the southeastern Chinese city of Xiamen in September, which brings about Beijing’s new opportunities for developing the BRICS mechanism.
From Goa to Xiamen, Beijing’s wisdom can offer a new blueprint and add greater impetus for BRICS cooperation. We can anticipate Xiamen to host an even more sparkling BRICS Summit next year.


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )


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