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China Military Transformation ep.4: Elite pilots of the Chinese Air Force

Reporter: Ning Hong 丨 CCTV.com

10-04-2016 14:37 BJT

Full coverage: 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March

In modern warfare, a country's air force can play a decisive role and be used for both defense and offense. And naturally, pilots are the valuable resource behind it all.

Wang Jian and Wei Qin are partners who fly the JH-7, the top fighter-bomber in the Chinese air force. They’re part of a unit known as the Eagle of Tianshan.

Squadron commander Wang Jian is a veteran pilot. At 36, he has over 200 fighting hours under his belt and was the first batch of JH-7 pilots.

His partner, 27-year-old Wei Qin, might seem young. But he’s actually an old bird, with nine years of flying experience.

"We have been partners for two years. And as we spend more time together, we naturally grow some tacit understanding to allow communication without words. Whether it is a move in the rudder, or other hints, the other would understand instantly," Wang said.

This sort of understanding and trust cannot be built in just a day. Before missions, pilots share a dorm. And during spare time, they will also study battle plans and train together.

"I think the most important thing I could learn from elder pilots is their experience," said Wei.

Wang Jian and Wei Qin were selected to represent the Chinese Air Force in the 2016 Aviadarts competition in Moscow.

They were up against some of the best Russian pilots operating the Sukhoi Su-30 and Su-34.

Wang and Wei have another assignment – to work with engineers to improve the fighter jets. China is in the process of replacing their older fleet with newer self-developed ones. And the sooner the pilots can adapt to it, the better.

"We will increase difficulty in our training, and continue to push the machine to its required conditions. We will also work with our technicians and engineers to maximize the performance of the fighters," Wang said.

Wang, Wei and the rest of their comrades have carried out over 30 missions over highland and sea, for patrol and anti-terrorism purposes.

They watch over the vast lands where Tianshan Mountain lies, and along the borders of northwest China.

So if you’re wondering why their unit was named the Eagle of Tianshan… the answer is pretty clear.

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