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Hospital in Aleppo among targets

Reporter: Malini Wilkes 丨 CCTV.com

10-03-2016 09:29 BJT

Fighting continues to intensify in the wake of the failed ceasefire. Even hospitals aren't safe, falling prey to incoming bombs.

The fighting was fierce throughout the weekend on several fronts around Aleppo. The Syrian military urged rebel fighters to lay down their weaponsand peacefully leave the city.

Russian and Syrian warplanes have escalated a bombing campaign on rebel-held eastern Aleppo since a ceasefire broke down last month.

On Saturday, a hospital was hit for the second time within a week.

"Air strikes targeted infrastructure and hospitals. The area was completely destroyed by about seven air raids," said ambulance driver Talal Abu Youssef.

The United Nations humanitarian chief says he's deeply alarmed by what he describes as "savagery."

In a statement, Stephen O'Brien reported, quote - "The health care system in eastern Aleppo is all but obliterated. Medical facilities are being hit one by one."

He called for a pause in the fighting to allow for medical evacuations, and access for humanitarian supplies.

"The United Nations is useless. They are killers, they are murderers, they are liars. All the world are liars. They don't do anything at all," said march organizer Esa Ham.

Angry demonstrators took to the streets of London, and several other major cities Saturday, to protest the latest siege of Aleppo and the rising civilian death toll.
Western allies wonder if diplomacy still has a chance.

"It is the continuous savagery of the Assad regime against the people of Aleppo and the complicity of the Russians in committing what are patently war crimes - bombing hospitals, when they know they are hospitals and nothing but hospitals. That is making it impossible for peace negotiations to resume," said British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

Russia, meantime, warned the US against carrying out any attacks against Syrian government forces saying the repercussions would be felt across the region.

But on the darkest of days -- an unbelievable story of survival. A baby girl, rescued from the rubble of an airstrike in the city of Idlib is reunited with her family. The bombing killed her sister and grandmother and destroyed their home. Her father -- searching for something to salvage from the ruins -- says he cannot even begin to think about the future.

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