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Scientific experiment equipment on Tiangong-2 put into operation


09-23-2016 14:43 BJT

Full coverage: China Tiangong-2 Space Lab Launch

Equipment to conduct scientific experiments on the Tiangong-2 have gone operational.  It's been on standby mode for nearly seven days, since the space lab entered its preset orbit on September 15th.

A director from Chinese Academy of Sciences say the equipment has begun to conduct in-orbit tests, and the whole system is in good condition.  Last week, the Tiangong-2 finished two orbit maneuvers at a distance of 380 kilometers above the earth.  It's due to ascend to an altitude of 393 kilometers.

There it will wait to dock the Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft, scheduled for launch in October.

"All the scientific equipment has been activated to carry out missions related to conducting experiments and observations, which is expected to help validate data. The equipment is in good condition. The in-orbit tests will last for three to six months, and then practical application projects can be carried out in full," Guo Lili with Chiese Academy of Seicences said.

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