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B20 2016 Policy Recommendations to be submitted to G20 leaders


09-03-2016 06:26 BJT

Full coverage: G20 Hangzhou Summit

The final version of the B20’s core work, its Policy Recommendations to the G20, is now completed, after extensive negotiations and consultations by international business communities. The policy paper will be submitted to G20 leaders during the Summit to be held on Saturday and Sunday. It contains 20 principal policy recommendations and 76 concrete measures.

According to B20 Sherpa Yu Ping, this year’s B20 has aligned its priorities with the theme of the G20 Summit through six task forces: Financing Growth, Trade and Investment, Infrastructure, SME Development, Employment, and a special forum on Anti-Corruption.

Consistent with the G20’s focus, the B20 recommendations are practicable and specific responses to today’s challenges to sustainable global economic growth, creation of quality jobs, and inclusiveness.

“This year’s B20 is held in China. We think we should have some Chinese elements. Representatives from the Chinese business community took an active part in drafting the policy paper; 156 Chinese enterprises participated in the B20 task forces, 30 percent of the total,” said Jiang Zengwei, president of China Council For Promotion of International Trade.

“This exemplifies Chinese entrepreneurs’ talent in making international economic and trade rules, and their advanced ability in managing and operating a business.”

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