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Final preparations of G20 Summit underway


09-01-2016 16:24 BJT

Full coverage: G20 Hangzhou Summit

For more on-the-ground coverage of the upcoming G20 Summit, let's turn to our news studio in the host city, Hangzhou with my colleagues Guan Xin and Mike Walter.

Guan Xin: We are coming to you live from Hangzhou. Welcome to our special coverage. I'm Guan Xin

Mike Walter: I'm Mike Walter. Happening now, the vice governor of China's central bank -- Yi Gang -- is holding a press conference in Hangzhou. Yi will talk about China's financial reforms and monetary policies. Guan Xin, I guess China's exchange rate policy is definitely a focus?

Guan Xin: Sure Mike, Currency issues will be a focal point at the G20. We are seeing numerous fluctuations in the exchange rates of many currencies this year, the British pound, the Japanese yen. China's yuan has held steady but it is also under depreciation pressure, so it will be interesting to hear what Yi has to say.

Mike Walter: My daughter is a student in the UK, not a bad time for her to go shopping there and there are a number of other countries facing this same issue. So, you would think that would be an area of discussion during the summit. It seems we are getting busier with only three days to go.

The start of the G-20 leaders summit is just around the corner, and final preparations are underway in Hangzhou. 

G20 coordinators were meeting on Thursday to discuss the groundwork for the following days' agenda. The coordinators will also solicit advice on topics that will be covered by the joint communique for the summit.

The Business 20 meeting begins on Saturday and the attending business leaders will hear a keynote speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

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