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Damascus wary of Turkish incursion into Syria


08-29-2016 05:16 BJT

It is the fifth day since Turkey launched a cross-border military campaign. Turkish military moved deeper into Syria on Sunday, seizing territory controlled by Kurdish forces. A group monitoring the Syrian war says the number of civilians killed in Turkish air strikes has risen to 40.

Less than a week into the Turkish incursion into Syria , the new development continues to further complicate the political and military scena cross Syria.

Local media sources said on Sunday that several civilians were killed when Turkish tanks and fighterjets attacked the small village of Beir Kosa south of Jarablus city. The Turkish troops backed by Syrian rebel factions are now attacking areas under the control of Kurdish militias known as the Syria Democratic Forces.

A field commander in Kurdish militias on the other side told cctv over the phone that his figters destroyed a Turkish tank but acknowledged reports that at least three Kurdish fighters have been captured.

In the meantime and here in Damascus government sources refused to comment when asked about their reaction toward the new gains that the Turkish army made saying they said since day one that the Turkish incursion will only replace one kind of terrorism with another.

The official comments refer to the fact that as ISIL was pushed out of the border town of Jarablus near the border other radical rebel factions moved in under the protection of Turkish military, like Ahrar Asham a radical rebel faction with ties to AlQaeda.

Many in Damascus think of the Turkish involvement as an invasion that aims to boost rebels after a seriesof set backs they suffered recently.

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