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IMF chief: China adds new ideas to G20 summit


08-28-2016 03:46 BJT

Full coverage: G20 Hangzhou Summit

International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has described China's preparation work for the G20 meetings as thoughtful.  She also praised China's idea of adding "inclusiveness" to "strong, sustainable and balanced" as important characterizations of healthy growth.

"The objectives were set out from the beginning. The meetings were orderly, organized and disciplined. I would say that most of the objectives that had been set out have actually been achieved. There's always substantial progress when people talk to each other and there was clearly a good spirit of cooperation between the finance ministers, governors of central banks and the international financial institutions."

"The G20 has been talking about strong, sustainable and balanced growth. We know those words by heart. Well, on the occasion of the Chinese presidency, we have included a fourth characterization, which is inclusive. And it's terribly important to talk about the inclusiveness of growth. It's only a simple word, but if by that we mean, making sure that everybody benefits, making sure that small- and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs have access to financing, understand the tax environment in which they operate," she said.

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