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Crossover: China's economic fundementals


07-20-2016 01:20 BJT

Now we cross live with David Lubin, Head of Emerging Markets Economics at Citi, and talk more about IMF's outlook.

Q1. IMF's China GDP forecast is 6.6 percent this year, which looks ok. But some are concernd that much of the growth is driven by fixed asset investment (housing and infrastructure), rather than advanced manufacturing and technology innovation -- of which China wants to be the pillars of its growth. What do you think of the current China's economic fundemantals?

Q2. Brexit seems to be the biggest equation changer for world economy, especially for the UK and Europe. But the impact seems muted elsewhere, including in the US and China. What's your assessment?

Q3. You are an expert in emerging markets. What are the challenges in their economies now and what can be the breakthrough points?

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