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Driver identified by police as a French-Tunisian


07-15-2016 20:16 BJT

Full coverage: Bastille Day Attack In Nice, France

The police have found identity papers inside the truck and has identified the driver as a 31-year-old French-Tunisian man.

Local reports say his name was Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel and that the police raided his home in Nice on Friday morning. The attacker hired the truck from a rental company in Saint-Laurent-du-Var, a town to the west of Nice, two days earlier.

He drove the white truck at full speed along the renowned Promenade des Anglais, where families strolled after watching a fireworks display. The vehicle zigzagged for up to 2 kilometers driving into the crowd. The police finally managed to stop him near the luxury Palais de la Mediterranee hotel where he was shot to death.

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