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95th Anniversary Of The CPC: Serving the People ep.11


07-13-2016 15:10 BJT

Full coverage: 95 years of glory

Innovation, coordination, green development, opening up and sharing to fulfil its goals, the Five Development Ideas outlined in the 13th Five-Year Plan demonstrates China's determination to transform its development mode.

In the eleventh episode of CCTV's "95th Anniversary of the CPC: Serving the People", we tell you more about how these ideas lead a new era of China. 

Henk B. Rogers, founder and CEO of Blue Planet Foundation and Blue Planet Energy Systems,said, "And if the economy is based on export of goods, of materials, manufactured goods, then you are dependent on the rest of the world for your economy. But if you spur internal growth by doing innovation and creating things and then selling to each other inside China, then you have a much stronger economy."
Sergei Stanishev, president of the Party of European Socialists and former Prime Minister of Bulgaria (PES) said, "Politics is always a conversation about the future. This is the essence of politics as a process. Because people are always looking for better future, and the job of the politicians is to provide paths, to provide solutions for a better future, better life for average citizens. And in this context, both areas — the European Union and China — are facing new challenges. As I shared today, part of these challenges are result of your own successes in the past — the successes of very rapid economic growth, creating internal disbalances of capacities in some areas, internal divisions and frictions, which have to be rebalanced. And I’m aware that nowadays China is looking for new priorities, more sustainable, although not so rapid growth. Growth which will be more harmonious and inclusive."

Nicholas Stern, former deputy president of World Bank and president of British Academy,said, "China’s strategy on green and sustainable development is very clear and very strong. It was clear in the 12th Five-year Plan. It becomes still more strong and still more clear in the 13th Five-year Plan. And I think this is a very good step forward. So for China, as like most countries, the first thing is efficiency. There are very big gains from just using energy more efficiently. China had explicit targets on energy efficiency in the 12th Plan which is achieved and then they will have targets on energy efficiency in the 13th . A very strong action there has a big payoff in terms of pollution and the battle against climate change."

Kasper Jakobsen, president and chief executive officer of Mead Johnson Nutrition, said, "Well, I think we’ve seen tremendous change in the China market. You know, it’s liberalized a lot and it’s opened up and it has certainly become easier to do business in China, not only from a regulatory standpoint but also because of the whole infrastructure of the country has developed so quickly. Twenty years ago, it was very difficult to move products around the country. Logistic systems were not really developed and regulations surrounding foreign investment were particularly cumbersome but nowadays it’s certainly a lot easier."

Massimo D'Alema, former Italian Prime Minister said, "Working with new technologies against pollution, which means a slowdown of the growth, but a more sustainable and more equitable growth."

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