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G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting kicks off in Beijing


07-13-2016 05:28 BJT

Labor and employment ministers from around the world are meeting in Beijing ahead of this year's G20 Summit planned for September in Hangzhou. Delegates at the two day meeting are discussing a span of employment issues including how to help businesses create more high quality jobs.

Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting in Beijing, capital of China, July 12, 2016. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting in Beijing, capital of China, July 12, 2016. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

A top level meeting on labor and employment. Delegates from G20 member governments, guest countries, as well as those from International labor and business organizations have gathered in Beijing. The 2-day meeting is held against the backdrop of a world economy that is still recovering from the 2008 financial crisis.

"The global economy is not expected to improve in 2016 or in 2017. That's the first challenge. And the second challenge is the unemployment rate. In most G20 countries, the unemployment rate didn't drop in 2015," Jae-Hee Chang with Ilo Regional Office For Asia Pacific said.

China is faced with a number of daunting tasks -- that include creating jobs for a huge number of college graduates, while helping find new careers for laborers that work in outdated industries.

"Official figures show 1.8 million people have been laid off due to industrial overcapacity, but our research finds the number is far more than that," Wu Qingjun with School of Labor & Human Resources of Renmin Univ., said.

There is no easy fix to China's economic problems, but the country's economic transformation brings new opportunities as well.

"From a global perspective, the real economy is facing downward pressure. But the NEW economy could bring new job opportunities, like in its e-commerce platforms and ride-sharing services." Wu said.

Of course there is no magic formula, but the G20 ministers are sharing their views and experiences on how to get global employment back on track.

Each G20 nation faces its own challenges with regards to its labor market. But they all share a common goal: to create more and better employment opportunities, and to build a solid foundation for economic recovery. How to achieve that goal is still unclear. But top officials at the Labor and Employment ministers meeting are working together on the answer.

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