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Revolutionary film songs to memorise the history of CPC


07-01-2016 00:22 BJT

Full coverage: 95 years of glory

Across China, grand celebrations are being held to mark the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1. Ahead of the anniversary, three generations of famous Chinese singers gathered at a music hall in Beijing for a celebration gala. The revolutionary songs they performed took the audience back to some of the historic moments of the Party.

"My Motherland"

Revolutionary film songs to memorise the history of CPC

The song “My Motherland” from the movie “Battle on Shangganling Mountain” opened the celebration gala for the 95th founding anniversary of the CPC. Renowned Chinese actresses Yu Lan and Qin Yi, both 95 years old, gave audiences thrilling performance and took them back to a memory lane.

“The song inspires a spirit that the Party members should be willing to make sacrifice and always believe in themselves to win,” Qin said. 

“Through the performance of the song, I want to express my best wishes to my motherland. I hope it will become better and better,” said actress Xie Fang.

Other songs performed at Monday’s gala came from revolutionary movies, in remembrance of major events in which the Communist Party members have played important roles. 

As the Party’s founding anniversary approaches, various celebrations and events like art exhibitions, galas, and plays, are being held nationwide. They are showcasing how Chinese Communist Party members strived for independence during wartime, and achieved new goals afterwards. 

Among these events is “Spark,” the first opera after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. The play on the anti-Japanese War was first performed in 1950. It has been reproduced for the big day on July 1.

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